“I cried and I laughed and cried and I laughed some more! Thank you for making me realize that everything I’m feeling is normal!” ~Gina Ryrarzewski Sprouse


You give me hope and strength… you make me believe in myself. You help me think and remember that all things are possible. I am glad to call you a friend. ~Crystal Lee


When I read your posts it brightens my day and it reminds me that there hope and that anything is possible. Thank you again for sharing with all of us affected by this awful disease. ~Jeri Schomer Williamson


I am more then half way through the book and as i read i thought about your story and thought my story and thousands of others and how interesting and helpful it is to talk about about it. I want to thank you and i wish everyone would read it~Brenda Burk


I was so full of emotions reading this book and you wrote it so beautiful! I really will read it again and again. ~Sinde Candella


I’m am loving your book. Your strength and passion are very admirable. I do look forward to reading the rest…with a box of kleenex nearby. 🙂 ~Amy Fredenhagen


I loved it. I laughed and cried, but I was truly inspired by your strength. ~Kim Goodson Maddux


Misty….you are a true hero! I just finished your book and I am truly & honestly inspired.  Thank you for sharing your experiences in raising a boy with Duchenne! ~Karen Bolton


You have inspired me to be the best mom I can be. You have taken every challenge and challenged it back even harder. You have never given up. You have a beautiful heart!!! ~Ariane Aho


Misty, I Just want to say thank you to you for all you do! You have brought Duchenne parents together to fight for a cause that is so close to all of our hearts…. Thank You…. April Turnbull… Dec, 15


Good Workshop, quality of life is important I think, ~Priscilla Davis


Watched the thrive in the face of duchenne healing workshop it was great, misty is awsome : ) ~Vicky Briseno


“Wow!!! I Just finished reading it. First let me say Thank you for taking the time to write this book. It brought tears to my eyes and smiles on my face. You are a wonderful Mother and you really put how DMD effects your life and what families go through. These Kids are so special and bring allot of Joy to our lives. You have the perfect title for your book, cause DMD is in your face. It changes your life and how you deal with life challenges. I have a feeling you will sell ALLOT of copies, as so many people deal with this day by day and they need to know that they are not alone. Thank you Misty !”
~April Turnbull    January 6


Thank you for sharing your story with the world, Misty. Together we must change what the world doesn’t know about Duchenne! ~Cindy Quitzau


Misty you are incredible and so powerfull!! Respect!! Duchenne  Heros2009 Rob van Zetten


Thanks Misty. Now I know who to go to when u want to get the wheels turning on something. Your awesome 🙂   ~Melissa Lacasse Dakla


Well, I finished your book and I have to say it was a very emotional journey for me! I want to start by saying that you did an absolutely phenomenal job sharing your story and prove to be a very talented author. Although it saddened me I left with a sense of happiness. I could feel your passion with every turn of the p…age as I felt I was right there beside you, sharing your joy and sharing your pain. It provoked feelings that I knew I held, but have not yet been able to recognize or un-harbor. I felt deep sadness, remorse, guilt, joy and pride. As I read each chapter, I laughed and I cried. “””” With your amazing ability to share your knowledge and experiences, this book will serve as handbook to so many and will have a huge impact on the world of DMD. You’re making a difference Misty and I am extremely proud to be able to call myself your brother and the Luke’s uncle. Luke is such a remarkable young man that …has so much to give, not only to individuals with DMD, but everyone should take lesson’s form Luke. His determination, will, optimism, character and his overall outlook on life are values that everyone should learn from and implement. You two are without question the strongest individuals that I know and yes sis, you are my hero! Simply put… It was beautiful!


Thank you God for the best sister EVER!

~Autumn Tweedy